Just another Star Wars Galaxies Adventure Blog…

Archive for January, 2013

Remembering Rori…

It isn’t often I visit here. Once in a while, I find my Swoop headed into this direction for no other reason than for me to get away. My asylum from life’s issues, I find myself with a glass of Brandy, sitting on the front entrance to what once was a house full of life and laughter. I watch as the sun nears the edge of the lake in front of me. It has always been a beautiful sight. I built this home on Naboo just for this reason. The land is peaceful and the sunsets spectacular. But tonight, my mind jettisons me into the past…

Penumbra was the only place I wanted to be. My vendor sales were moderate, and with the addition of the vendor located near Coronet, I was all set. These things will keep a person busy. Between stocking, building and sending out Thank You notes, I failed to realize that my stock of Wooley Hide had diminished to nothing. After collecting my gear, I contacted my fellow citizens to find a good place to hunt.

“Rori has some great Wooley Hide,” a digitized voice replied. “Would you like some company?”
“Sure”, I said, not really wanting the company but not wanting to be rude either. Besides, killing Tortons would be a challenge for me. I would need all the help I could get.

I jumped on the next flight out to Restuss. It is a beautiful city with a lot to offer. I weaved my way through the glorious buildings to a nearby Mission Terminal. There, standing by it, was an armored figure. I presumed, my hunting partner. I dismounted from my swoop and introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Hurst. Good to meet ya”, I said.
“I know”, the armored figure replied in a low tone, “I’m Skyee. Glad to meet you finally.”

We spent most of that night hunting Tortons and skinning them for their hide. After many hunts, I built a camp for us to rest.

“Thanks for the company. These Tortons are a bit tougher than I expected.”
“My pleasure,” my hunting partner replied, pulling off the helmet. There, in the fire light, I realized I had been hunting with a woman. Her long blonde hair and captivating eyes took me by surprise. The shocked look on my face must have given me away.

“What’s wrong? Never hunted with a woman before?”

“Not with your skills,” I smiled, “And if you don’t mind me being a bit forward, especially not with one who is as attractive as you are.”

She seemed to blush a bit. But with the ice broken between us, we continued to talk about our hunt and other adventures. As we talked, I found out that this beautiful woman was once my competitor in the weekly fishing tournaments that were held. And with that, the hunting seemed to take a back seat. We chatted deep into the night. I felt close to her, unlike any other woman I had known, as we shared some Brandy and Veghash.
We packed up our gear, in an effort to get a couple more missions completed and a few more stacks of hide before the night was over. As I followed her back to Restuss, my mind couldn’t stop thinking of her. Her eyes melted me. This all seemed too good to be true. My mind was engulfed in euphoria, but I should have been paying attention to where I was going. From out of nowhere, I found myself thrown to the ground. My body skipped along the Rorian ground, the grass blades making tiny cuts into my skin as I slowed to a stop, lying on my back, staring at the stars. All went black…

With the sun dipping deep into the water’s edge, I snapped out of my trance and glanced down at my now empty glass. I smiled a bit to myself, “She loves her Brandy”.